Friday, December 10, 2010

The Christmas Zombie

Two weeks until Christmas!  I am not ashamed to say that this holiday makes me giddy and excited, as if Santa were coming to unload a mountain of fabulous presents for ME.  The magic of it all is not lost on this "mature" co-ed.  HOWEVER [I declare emphatically - are you listening?] this Mom is TIRED beyond words.  Papers to write, presentations to give, finals to study for, juries to practice for, (is it bad that I am contemplating going back and fixing the grammar in the previous in, "finals for which to study"?), birthday parties to host, houses to clean, meals to cook, laundry to do...etc, etc, etc.  All I want is a long winter's nap!  I'm trying to force myself to participate in the festivities around me, but am not entirely present for any of it.  The Christmas Zombie!  And for some crazy reason, this zombie decided it a good idea to stay up and write a blog HAS been almost a month since the last.  But, let's be honest.  My brain has been zombified and I have nothing worthwhile to say.  With all the end-of-semester gobbledy gook floating around in there, it's a miracle I even know my own name!  I promise, oh faithful readers, - all 3 of you - to write more when school is over and I am de-zombified.